Regulation Number(s): 340/94
Bill or Act: Highway Traffic Act
Summary of Proposal: The Ministry of Transportation is considering the following amendments to the regulatory licence renewal requirements for Class D drivers:
• Amendments to Ontario regulation 340/94 to align Class D licence renewal requirements for vision testing, knowledge testing and medical filing with all other commercial class drivers. Specifically, the regulatory changes would align Class D renewal requirements so that:
o All Class D drivers up to age 64 would be subject to knowledge and vision tests every 5 years;
o All Class D drivers under the age of 46 would be required to submit a medical report every 5 years;
o All Class D drivers age 46-64 would be required to submit a medical report every 3 years; and
o All Class D drivers age 65 and older would be required to submit a medical report annually.
Current licensing requirements for Class D licence holders are not consistent with other commercial classes and are not in alignment with CCMTA national medical standards. These standards are the basis for the Canada/U.S. medical reciprocity agreement. Ensuring Class D drivers are held to the highest medical filing standards will strengthen road safety.
Please see attached document for details of proposed changes.
Proposal Number: 16-MTO067
Posting Date: October 3, 2016
Comments Due Date: November 17, 2016
Contact Address: Road Safety Policy Office
87 Sir William Hearst Avenue; Room 212,
Toronto, ON M3M 0B4